Twinning oath
Whilst not legally binding, the signing of a formal twinning “oath” or agreement facilitates the setting up of a long-term, trusting relationship. Its form and content are not fixed, and may be amended depending on the specific nature of the partnership which is being set up, and according to the wishes of the partner towns.
Whether called a twinning oath, charter or convention on twinning, or a cooperation or friendship agreement, it should be submitted to the city or local government council for a debate on the ratification of the twinning with the partner town. The twinning oath is then signed at a formal public meeting, and is usually proclaimed aloud to those present. The signatory towns undertake a commitment together, but this carries no legal obligation, and there is no legal recourse even if any problems arise in the future. Moreover, though this is rare, a local authority may at any moment put an end to the partnership by means of deliberation of the city council annulling the twinning’s ratification.
Here is a template for a twinning oath which has been widely used in many countries:
We, ……………………………………… (name) and …………………………………………… (name),
Mayors of ……………………………………… (country) and of ………………………………… (country)
Freely elected representatives of our fellow-citizens,
Certain that we act on behalf of the sincere wishes and real needs of our populations,
Aware that our civilisations and peoples found their origins in our ancient free local communities, that the spirit of liberty was first recorded in the freedom won by them, and later, in the local self-governments they were able to found,
Considering that history shall continue in a wider world, but that this world will be truly humane only in so far as men and women live freely in free cities,
Convinced of the necessity of respecting the principle of subsidiarity, Affirming our value of respecting human rights, which we hold as inviolable and inalienable,
Recognizing that the growing interdependence of different national societies necessitates an international, global democratic order, the foundation for a real peace,
Convinced that the ties that bind the towns of our continent constitute a fundamental element upon the path towards developing European citizenship and thus promote a Europe of human dimensions
According to the relationships established between our two countries,
To maintain permanent ties between the governments of our municipalities in order to promote our dialogue, to exchange our experiences and to implement all joint activities which may foster mutual improvement in all domains that fall within our competences,
To encourage and support exchanges between our fellow citizens in order to ensure, through greater mutual understanding and efficient cooperation, the true spirit of European brotherhood for our now common destiny,
To act according to the rules of hospitality, with respect for our diversities, in an atmosphere of trust and in a spirit of solidarity,
To guarantee for all people the possibility of participating in the exchanges between our two communities without discrimination of any form,
To promote the universal values of liberty, democracy, equality and the rule of Law, through our exchanges and cooperation,
Focus our efforts using all the means at our disposal to supporting the success of this essential undertaking for peace, progress and prosperity, which is:
Place …………………………… Date …………………………